Posted by: John | September 12, 2007

Lib Dem views on NHS cleaning contracts

Isn’t it about time that the Party bit the bullet (so to speak!) and advised that Lib Dem activists campaigned for their local NHS trusts to contract in all Cleaning work?

This would not only make us look bold on the issue of C.diff etc but also mark us out as helping the workers at the bottom of the heap.

In my own area the local NHS trust has contracted in hospital staff (and the Lib Dem local council has brought waste collection in house). I can’t help but think that society’s moving full circle in understanding that is is probably CHEAPER in the long-term, and certainly better for the all-round `health` of the NHS, to simply ensure workers feel and ARE an integrated part of the wider NHS team.

What do folk think? Should it even be Party Policy to have this? The issue arises though with that of centralised control – although the health of the nation is at stake regarding MRSA and C.diff.


  1. I’m sure that’s a good idea, but more importantly it;s good to see you joining the blog crowd.

  2. No.

    It should be up to local NHS Trusts, individual hospitals etc.

    I fail to see how its cheaper in the long term too, when its in house there is no incentive to increase productivity or performance and keep costs down.

    As for MRSA etc- if a contractor fails to clean properly then the contract should say they are sacked. Also a lot of the problem seems to be poor clinical standards amongst medical staff…

  3. How do you create increased performance and productivity with people on the minimum wage, no pension entitlements, unequal terms of conditions?

    If no contractor can fulfill the cleaning standards what happens then?

    What about the NHS being an integrated team to provide dignity in the workplace?

    Why not just contract out nursing too?

    By this sort of thinking wouldn’t everything be privatised!

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