Posted by: John | November 16, 2008

It’s time to stamp our feet again!

Having just listened to `The Westminster Hour` and having to listen to that automaton with an emotional voice `Emily Thornberry` it’s clear that the BBC are simply not asking Labour the right questions. For instance how about `Do you think that if there wasn’t a global recession the British bubble would have created a UK recession?` and `If you want to cut taxes how will they be paid for? If they’re to be paid back are you politically able to raise them again?`.

Either the BBC is frit or they’re production teams are simply thick. Which is it?

Lynn valiantly soldiered on in the miasma of mind-numbing Labour talking points yet we have to face facts – Labour are saying `the Lib Dems will cut £20bn off of spending`. Thornberry even raised it like that as if she was completely thick even though she knew that that was slam-bam glossed up narrative point. It’s outrageous. We need to hammer home the message:

Our policies are better than Labour’s

Our tax policies and understanding of the economy is far better than Labour’s

On the major issues we have had the right decisions compared to Labour.

It’s time to sort out what our priorities are – price them and then work out the tax extras.

We could put this on our website as a `tax calculator`.

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